Discovery Judgment Recovery

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Discovery Judgment Recovery

Collecting your court judgment has never been easier!


Now in our 11th year!
Welcome to Discovery Judgment Recovery, your full-service judgment enforcement specialist serving the five San Francisco Bay Area counties, enforcing judgments throughout the U.S.A.!

If you've won a judgment in court and are having trouble recovering your award, we can help! We have access to the latest technology and information to identify, locate and seize the assets of your judgment debtor to satisfy the judgment. We want to help!

We're a former (10-year) member of the California Association of Judgment Professionals (CAJP), so you know you're working with a leader who is experienced, qualified and motivated to promote high standards of ethical conduct in judgment enforcement and recovery.

We welcome your questions and comments, and you can even call us by phone at (510) 887-6888, Monday through Friday after 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Ask for Brian.

Former Vice President, California Association of Judgment Professionals
"Turn Your Court Judgment into Ca$h!"